Thursday, May 22, 2008

Initiate countdown

The introduction to any kind of writing is usually what I find the hardest. I mean, where do I start? I suppose with the bare minimum of I AM THOMAS, and a forewarning that this blog will stop appearing remotely formal in approximately 5.34 seconds. Not that I have any idea where that number was pulled out of! So yes, hello to you all. A second forewarning to grammar nazis: if you are personally offended by small, unrelated grammar mistakes, I highly recommend you navigate away from this page IMMEDIATELY. I'm just covering myself legally here.

Leaving the pretentious paragraph behind, I best tell you what my [stupid] interests are! Going insane, being a loser, pretending to be smart and playing Pokemon are my main ones, and the others are: obsessing over random crap, being a crazy fantard, playing Zelda, Metroid Prime, and various other epic games. The majority of my posts will probably be me being crazy over a game I've recently played, attempting to seem somewhat sane through "intelligent" musings, or reflecting on a uninteresting day in the life.

OH YEAH. Mah title. It's a Pokemon reference, and if you got then please comment and I will love you forever. Seriously. To those who are uneducated (you deprived people you) at the end of every episode, without fail, Team Rocket always exits with a: TEAM ROCKETS BLASTING OFF AGAAAAIN~ And it's amazing. I was surprised when I found that the URL wasn't taken! Then again, you don't see many Pokefans around anymore (depressing enough :[).

As for this entry's title, it's a pun. I think. SOMETHING FUNNY OK. I think I remember thinking "initiate" referencing "blastoff" was clever, but I think it was me being stupid. And I must remember to write about Metroid Prime in my next entry.

ANXIETY INDUCING FORESHADOWING: next blog! Bashing Discussing racism against Poketards, pointless ramblings about stupid forums, and comics made of awesome. Although this is more of a reminder to myself about what to write about. Also horrible fanfiction and ADHD. And the reason why I am not writing about this now? It's midnight and I can barely function, much less write. Unless you'd like to see a lovely post filled with the exciting adventures off k19 and his google friends. It's happened before, and can cause mild irritation to brain, nausea, headaches from mindf*ck, spontaneous drug trips, and possibly death. Not recommend for sane adults.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

"I suppose with the bare minimum of I AM THOMAS, and a forewarning that this blog will stop appearing remotely formal in approximately 5.34 seconds."

Honey, this isn't a sentence.

Yes, I am being deliberately condescending. It's part of my evil plan to condescend towards every single person in the world at least once.